View attachment 169891
Wait to this fall. New MotorFist Dominator helmet is 1250g. Yes. That right. 1250g. In a Large size. Most helmets are measuring on weight in their smaller sizes as stated here.
AND has a bag. A nice one that most companies charge $50 for.
AND an extra set of check pads AND a breath box AND a chin curtain.
AND..... It is NOT $400-$500 bucks. will get chicks.
And could be argued that its the safest helmet out there even with it's light weight. CAREFUL, SOME OF THESE LIGHT WEIGHT HELMETS AREN'T ECE APPROVED OR DOT. ECE in particular measures the force of a direct impact at high levels. Arguably the toughest and best measure out there. GP bike racers prefer ECE over anything else.
Courtesy of the Kali tech that is in it it maybe the safest YET still light. Check it all here. it is ECE and DOT approved. The Dominator is both carbon and fiberglass in contruction.
It's $249 with all this and lighter than most helmets out there OR very close to them at sometimes half the price!