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Vote for Mitt Romney

Jan 2, 2008
"the liberal media would have a field day with Ted Nugent"

LoL not from what I've seen, Uncle TED seems to hold his own pretty well :D

I'd seriously concider a Nugent ticket

Puddy Tat

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2008
Northern, Utah
And on the Other hand Obama is a perfect example of what we got when the ignorant voters put this candidate in office and the fact that he is a Muslim and that we know too little about him, I don’t think that the religious aspect should play a role but and if Romney runs again, he will get my vote. Personally I like Romney and think he could do a great job. And being a Mormon should make no difference,
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Nov 27, 2008
North Bend, WA
Mitt Romney is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He isn't a true conservative and with lots of personal cash was able to buy a seat at the table.

I read Huckabee's book, "Do the Right Thing". That guy has his head squarely on his shoulders and a very interesting perspective on that race.

At the end of the day, the media picks the candidates they want you to vote for. It all comes down to how much they cover them, what they say about them, and the questions asked in debates.

We need massive election reform. Who else bought their seat at the table?? O-freaking-Bama. No one has ever spent that much money to get elected and look how that's going. Investing in Acorn was the best move he ever made!


Nov 26, 2007
Lander Wy
We have had too many fence sitting and reaching across the aisle, social liberal fiscal conservative types. We need some real talking, common sense acting types like Huckabee / Palin. How does that grab you? When it comes to thinking and talking on your feet and under pressure Huckabee has everybody including Obama beat hands down.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 2, 2007
Heber City, Utah
I appreciate all the feedback to this thread. I have really enjoyed getting peoples varying opinions on the matter. Needless to say we have a number of more years before we can even start considering candidates and we don't even know who our options will be. To be honest, I have only been politically active the last few years and am still learning much about many of the politicians. It is unfortunate we are even in the position we are in, but who knows, this may actually be a great catapult for real change that the public will support. In the past I have not given Huckabee much time and consideration, however with many of the positive statements in this thread I will look into him deeper. Please keep the opinions coming as I value the feedback. Obviously there are some comments and opinions that carry a little more weight than others.;)

The Fourth Wolf

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 8, 2008
Anchorage, AK
I think the financial meltdown helped Romney's future viability more than anything else. As far as his stance on guns and abortion while Gov of Mass. I'm guessing those were necessary concessions a Republican has to make in a place like Massachucetts. Certainly cause for concern, but forgiveable if he reasserts a commitment to gun ownership.

Here are the top GOP potentials for 2012 (and my 2 cents)

Bobby Jindal--Gov of Louisiana
Pros-Solid conservative. Young, smart, good on the stump. He handled the Katrina mess left by Cathleen Blanco pretty well.
Cons-First generation of Indian heritage. A brown-man is a hard sell in middle America.
My take? He will run, could win the nomination and is a top 3 for VP if he doesn't.

Mitt Romney--See above
Pros-Best choice for economic skills
Cons-Comes off as too slick, and a waffler
My take? He will run, will probably win the nomination and is a top 2 for VP if he doesn't.

Sarah Palin--Former Gov of Alaska
Pros-Average people LOVE her, skilled populist, attractive
Cons-She quit her post when things got tough, personal life controvery, weak on policy
My take? She will run. Outside chance to get nomination. Possible repeat VP choice

Ron Paul--Congressman from Texas
Pros-He keeps hammering away at both sides about the Constitution
Cons-He keeps hammering away at both sides about the Constitution and he has some screwy ideas about national security
My take? He might run to keep the GOP honest but doesn't stand a chance--in America we don't elect congressmen to the Presidency

Mike Huckabee--Former Gov of Arkansas and TV personality
Pros-Solid conservative, likeable, former Gov of Arkansas and TV personality
Cons-He looks like Gomer Pyle and he's a TV personality
My take? Won't run. He's got it made at Fox and far more influential on TV.

Duncan Hunter--Congressman from California
Pros-Stalwart conservative, vigorously pro-gun/life/military
Cons-He runs and comes in last. Not centrist enough to be viable.
My take? He'll probably run again, and again, we don't elect congressmen.

David Petraeus--General, US Army and Commander of U.S. Central Command
Pros-The architect of the "surge" is highly regarded by both sides of the aisle and respected widely by the troops he commands.
Cons-Without public office experience could be perceived as one-dimensional
My take? A serious dark-horse possibility and top 3 VP choice IF he runs

Tim Pawlenty--Governor of Minnesota
Pros-Likeable and well regarded in GOP circles and Minn is an important Midwest state
Con's-Caught up in some controversy over the Coleman/Frankel Senate race.
My take? He's already announced he's not running for re-election which means he's gearing up for 2012. Serious contender but won't win Nomination and only outside chance for VP

Kay Bailey Hutchison--The Senior Senator from Texas
Pros-Cagey old battle axe from a big state
Cons-She's a horrendous bizatch and all that time in the Senate means she's got skelletons

Jeb Bush--Former Gov of Florida
Pros-Name recognition, good on the stump, did a superb job as gov
Cons-He's GW's brother
My take? Not sure if he'll run but outside chance to win or be VP if he does.

Fred Thompson--Actor, former Senator from Tennessee, radio personality
Pros-Solid conservative, good on the stump
Cons-Too old, ran a lousy campaign because he's a lazy candidate
My take? Like Huckabee, he's got it made on the radio. Fred won't run.

Tom Tancredo--Congressman from Colorado
See Duncan Hunter

There are other possibilities but we'll have to wait until next summer.

Ted Nugent: I know he speaks to our hearts on a lot of issues but lets be serious. Ted doesn't stand a Tundra's chance in a hillclimb...Ted for Secretary of the Interior (maybe we can get him sponshured)
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Spindrifter a politico; hum. Pretty good.

Jindal's skin color would sell easier in the middle, than some religions might.

Huckabee is getting a huge shove by the christian conservatives.

Palin, someone still needs to explain to me why liberals attacked her so viciously. I'm sure it had something to do with not wanting to attack McCain, but I don't know if many people are willing to take another chance with her.

Fred Thompson was worse than lazy. I was really disappointed in his performance.

Petraeus - no one knows what he stands for, outside of the military.
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