so, in a nutshell, because YOU don't like the rules in place, it is OK to ignore those rules, no matter how it affects other people? Is that the basic gist?
How on earth does that help? That's REALLY hypocritical, FWIW.
You've spent ten whole years "fighting" for what? To get in a dumb internet argument with me? It sounds like you've had some success, and that's great. Not kidding. Bragging about how much work you've done in the same breath as how much "they" keep "illegally" closing strikes me as odd,
My point is simple, though. For all of you people who have been "fighting" for use of public lands, why is it difficult to see my point of view?
Remember, in context:
Vail Pass Winter Recreation Area has areas where OHV use is limited to established routes.
I want you, and AndrettiDog, and whoever else, to follow those rules.
That's all. I was out and about today in Summit County, saw some wonderful stuff to ski, a couple of the shots had sled tracks, and that's OK - because it there are no restrictions in that area.
All the work you've done, CO Powder, has resulted in what we've CURRENTLY GOT. All of the people who worked hard for our rights (thank you!) over the past ten years has gotten us "hybrid use" areas at Vail Pass.
Riding offtrail IN THE AREAS SET ASIDE FOR HYBRID ACCESS SKIING does NOTHING to further the sport, and it ticks off brainwashed idiots like me, who have an education, are well spoken and the time to go to "the meetings."
Do you REALLY think that ticking "me" off is going to make a POSITIVE IMPACT? This is not a veiled "keeping it real" threat of any kind, I'm specifically referring to the idea that it is not smart to inspire people LIKE me (and there are plenty) to get involved, go to meetings, do all the things "the greenies" do. Seriously. Think about it. It is a bad idea.
He!!, *I* don't want a bunch of "mes" going to meetings and writing letters! I don't want more "hybrid use" areas, I just want the ones we've got. A bunch of "mes" going to meetings/getting involved is SCARY. Even I think that.
There are two places in the STATE that have sectioned off areas for "hybrid access skiing." Vail Pass, Buff Pass.
What's so bad about staying out of those, oh, 20 square miles(WAG) of terrain? Why is that bad?
I fully admit I don't know everything about the process.
I am fully convinced that willfully disobeying the "hybrid access" closures will NOT benefit snowmobiling long term.
That's _all_ I'm talking about, if you read my first post, which is the second post in this thread. I'd pay an increase if it helped keep the snowmobiles out of the skiing areas. Plain and simple. Reading between the lines, "more signs." More signs take more money. I get that. I'd help pay for them.
You clearly don't like that there ARE "skiing areas," OK, fine, maybe you need ten more years to work on it.
Irritating those of us who DO like "skiing areas" no es intelligento. This discussion, for what it is worth, is not irritating me - giant sidehill trenches across the lower half of the shot out Lime Creek are what irritates me.
How on earth does that help? That's REALLY hypocritical, FWIW.
You've spent ten whole years "fighting" for what? To get in a dumb internet argument with me? It sounds like you've had some success, and that's great. Not kidding. Bragging about how much work you've done in the same breath as how much "they" keep "illegally" closing strikes me as odd,
My point is simple, though. For all of you people who have been "fighting" for use of public lands, why is it difficult to see my point of view?
Remember, in context:
Vail Pass Winter Recreation Area has areas where OHV use is limited to established routes.
I want you, and AndrettiDog, and whoever else, to follow those rules.
That's all. I was out and about today in Summit County, saw some wonderful stuff to ski, a couple of the shots had sled tracks, and that's OK - because it there are no restrictions in that area.
All the work you've done, CO Powder, has resulted in what we've CURRENTLY GOT. All of the people who worked hard for our rights (thank you!) over the past ten years has gotten us "hybrid use" areas at Vail Pass.
Riding offtrail IN THE AREAS SET ASIDE FOR HYBRID ACCESS SKIING does NOTHING to further the sport, and it ticks off brainwashed idiots like me, who have an education, are well spoken and the time to go to "the meetings."
Do you REALLY think that ticking "me" off is going to make a POSITIVE IMPACT? This is not a veiled "keeping it real" threat of any kind, I'm specifically referring to the idea that it is not smart to inspire people LIKE me (and there are plenty) to get involved, go to meetings, do all the things "the greenies" do. Seriously. Think about it. It is a bad idea.
He!!, *I* don't want a bunch of "mes" going to meetings and writing letters! I don't want more "hybrid use" areas, I just want the ones we've got. A bunch of "mes" going to meetings/getting involved is SCARY. Even I think that.
There are two places in the STATE that have sectioned off areas for "hybrid access skiing." Vail Pass, Buff Pass.
What's so bad about staying out of those, oh, 20 square miles(WAG) of terrain? Why is that bad?
I fully admit I don't know everything about the process.
I am fully convinced that willfully disobeying the "hybrid access" closures will NOT benefit snowmobiling long term.
That's _all_ I'm talking about, if you read my first post, which is the second post in this thread. I'd pay an increase if it helped keep the snowmobiles out of the skiing areas. Plain and simple. Reading between the lines, "more signs." More signs take more money. I get that. I'd help pay for them.
You clearly don't like that there ARE "skiing areas," OK, fine, maybe you need ten more years to work on it.
Irritating those of us who DO like "skiing areas" no es intelligento. This discussion, for what it is worth, is not irritating me - giant sidehill trenches across the lower half of the shot out Lime Creek are what irritates me.