<<"wilderness is one of Colorado's great economic engines" >>
This is a tired line used by the greenies, and it doesn't hold much water. There is indeed value in un-touched lands, but it doesn't translate into economic prowess. Most of the areas deserving of preservation already have the designations. It's mostly used as a political pawn to benefit the "muscle-power" crowd. Ever notice how Wilderness mostly surrounds the ski towns & tourist areas??? Read: membership $$$ for green-washing outfits.
We had our local mayor - defacto leader of CB's "just say no to everything" green movement, and his town clowncil friend shut down our ski area expansion, and advocate for a wilderness area where there is no threat - then turn around that SAME YEAR and start their own snowcat skiing operation which operates in a roadless area (oh yeah, they illegally cut hundreds of trees to open up snowcat....wait for it... ROADS!!! ...in the inventoried roadless area), in Lynx habitat, they burried 30,000 gallons of fuel next to the town's water-source river, and have submitted a plan to turn Irwin into Disney Land w/ boat houses, zip-lines & a roller coaster(damn near). All, after saying... that they believe that there is more value in leaving pristine areas un-developed by others.
This one-liner is a farce.
Udall is just repeating talking points from his donors.