Like any other column of moving inertia carry mass, Air and its fuel vapor will follow the primary shape of its vessel.
ROUND, The reason we see the outer petals outer edges show damage is the lack of a solid moving column across the petal face..Tony has a novel idea that will move us up another notch in the tuning game....
hows bout we go so far as to round the outer edge of the outer petal ???? its that section flopping in an turbulent directionless flow thats fraying or starting the fracture...??
The HO cage with its rounded opening should address this futher,,Tony ? thoughts..
Our test pond has 4 inches of ice and wil be ready for testing SAT ! I however am loading up for Dynotech appt on monday till wed, 3 turbos. A twin, triple and shhhhhhhhhh.....gonna be a good time at the old dyno next week.....
9 hour drive each way for me...suuuuuuuuuuuccccccks
I did round the outer edges of both reeds a fair amount, mostly to match the HO radiused corners. There is still more overlap that could be taken off but compared to the shape I started with(like in the pics just above) they are very round.
Looking at the reeds above sure makes my head spin. One interesting aspect is how spred out the erosion is. It's not cofined to the corners like on mine. I'd guess the bigger radius of the HO cage might help????
I also wonder if the large overlap is part of the problem????