Hi Christopher, you might want to talk to your snowest mag friends about turboing your 2 strokes. For me personally I much prefer my sled wo a turbo, I rode a turboed 2 stroke pro for nearly 3 seasons and I can honestly say that I am much more capable in steep technical terrain wo a turbo on my Polaris sleds. I am much more precise and in control wo a turbo than with. I have proven it to myself over and over as I am able to navigate steep technical terrain into some of our private stash areas with ease, I severely struggled in these same areas with a turbo due to getting out of control, the small turbo lag and power after spin up were the contributing factors. Don't get me wrong, at times the turbo was all smiles! For me personally I wont be going back, even if I was provided one for free I would pass. My naturally aspirated AXYS takes me everywhere I want to go including places my 60 yr old body probably shouldn't be.
JMHO and food for thought. Cheers