Another vote for some more strength in the tunnel sides. My first trip on my 2011 I hit a rock beneath the fluff, not really doing any speed but it stopped me solid and sent me over the bars.
Only saw the bent A-arm first but down from the mountain we could see just where the boards end at the front and it bends up to the tunnel side, it had crumpled a little.
No biggie for me, just rode with it. BUT this just goes to show that on the PRO you have traded strength for weight and your tunnel sides might fold if your A-arm dont!
Have PAR tunnel sides to go on but will also put on some additional bracing. Thinking about the inside of the tunnel from the bulkhead and back to somewhere behind the front suspension bolt.
Only saw the bent A-arm first but down from the mountain we could see just where the boards end at the front and it bends up to the tunnel side, it had crumpled a little.
No biggie for me, just rode with it. BUT this just goes to show that on the PRO you have traded strength for weight and your tunnel sides might fold if your A-arm dont!
Have PAR tunnel sides to go on but will also put on some additional bracing. Thinking about the inside of the tunnel from the bulkhead and back to somewhere behind the front suspension bolt.