PM sent Going West...
Now about my first ride on mine with the Vi-Pec... Holy clean running machine batman!!! We upped the boost a little bit, adjust the clutching the night before and D wanted to make a few changes to the tune since the last time he was out, just trying to make the bottom end that much more clean for me... Anyway, after I think three pulls with the laptop he was happy and handed her over to me. I rode the rest of the day without a throttle needing to be chopped or blipped or even THOUGHT about... it was amazing. power was right there, right when i needed it every time... it was VERY linear too... not a lag, lag, lag then RIP your arms out... I honestly didn't really FEEL it pulling like I thought it would (then I realized my arms were sore!!) It was pulling plenty hard, just more linearly so it's 'manners' for lack of a better word, were MUCH friendlier!!
Towards the end of the day I started having problems... We got out the laptop and took a rip with it in data log mode and established that my electrical problem (which we THOUGHT might be an electrical problem before but really had no way of knowing) was back. We were able to look at the voltage, compare it with a bunch of other graphs (one being the one that shows us how the injectors are working) and establish the electrical was going out first; this pin points our issue HUGELY for us. Still a pin in the butt cause, well, electrical issues are!! But so far NO ONE had had any real input for me on this issue and now I finally had a slight direction to run in!
Anyway, hella impressed with how well the vi-pec worked and the troubleshooting capabilities it had when that electrical issue showed up. We were hoping it just might not cause we simplified the electrical system a tiny bit going with the Vi-Pec but apparently under serious load it still wanted to let me know it was there! freaking electrical issues!!!
We'll be busy chasing that monkey around the shop but we'll see if D can't put together some helmet cam footy if you all want (I don't have much cause it was snowing like the dickens and my camera lens was covered with snow most of the time!!)
I ran it constant throttle, blipping, pinned for DAYS (it was really wet heavy and deep snow) and until my electrical issue surfaced it bobbled twice and recovered itself so quickly I wouldn't have noticed unless I was looking for it!!! WAY impressive!!!