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Transmit only beacon?


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Is there transmit only beacon out there anywhere? Reason I ask is my two dogs go snow shoeing with us frequently and I would like to put a beacon in their packs, was hoping for a lower cost alternative that didn't receive.
The only thing with a transmit only beacon is that if someone gets buried and one or more of these are not you will have to get to them and turn them off before performing the search, or you will be chasing multiple signals. Perhaps those transmitters for dogs made by Pieps are a different frequency and won't interfere with normal ones, which is why you would need a Pieps beacons to use with it, good idea.
The Pieps TX600 transmits on a different frequency and can only be found with a searching Pieps DSP Pro.

If you put the normal frequency onto your dogs or onto your sled, then in a multiple burial situation, you and/or other rescuers won't know who is who or what is what.
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