OK so it was your same unit that was bench tested, The stat wires I dont think is the problem (or stat itself) they either work and pass the required volts or they dont (at least these small simple RV two wire setups) but its simple enough to give it a shot.
Remember that there are two things to look at for determining wire gague thickness, volts and amps! 16 should be enough but I wouldnt have it any smaller! 14 should be plenty!
Either hook up your battery to a charger for a few hours, then with it still hooked up check the voltage drop to the power coming into the unit then when it tries to fire up see what the drop is or try a battery you know is good!
Orientation shouldnt affect ignition control, I dont know if these have a rollout switch on them or not but that should only affect the gas valve if it was having issues since that comes into affect after the flame is lit.
Remember that there are two things to look at for determining wire gague thickness, volts and amps! 16 should be enough but I wouldnt have it any smaller! 14 should be plenty!
Either hook up your battery to a charger for a few hours, then with it still hooked up check the voltage drop to the power coming into the unit then when it tries to fire up see what the drop is or try a battery you know is good!
Orientation shouldnt affect ignition control, I dont know if these have a rollout switch on them or not but that should only affect the gas valve if it was having issues since that comes into affect after the flame is lit.