This is a subject that will forever be debated amongst people and groups with completely different views and outlooks on
LIFE in general. You have people that LIVE their lives to the fullest each and every day...every breath like its their last. On the other hand you have people that go through life with no ambition, no drive no meaningfull purpose other than to
EXIST. They lock them selves up in an imagineary bubble free of all unnecessary risk, and good for them, I hope it works for them, because in the end we will all end up dead, some sooner than others.I for one, fall into the first group whole heartedly. I was born with a severly deformed right foot and had it amputated at 1 year old. I wear a below knee prosthetic and have since I was 2 years old. Instead of laying around feeling sorry for myself I wanted to push the limits in everything I was a part of. Hockey,skiing,softball and Bull Riding. I competed as a professional bull rider for 7 yrs going to as many as 150 events a year. Some would say that is risking your life...I would say thats LIVING life. Over the years I lost 3 good friends to Bull Riding Injuries. Very sad and very tragic for those around them including family & friends...would any of those guys ask you or want you to be sorry for them individually....NEVER. They knew the risks and that one day thay may pay the ultimate price with their life, and they did. Would they change it if they could do it all over again...knowing these guys...I say no....neither would I. Risks are a part of our world whether you acknowledge it or not. Driving, walking through a park,walking through a rough neighbourhood at night, playing golf in a thunderstorm, smoking,drinking, breathing the air that is so polluted...the list goes on. I don't see how anyone has the right to criticize anothers life choices and call them stupid or careless or brainless. Not one of those fellow sledders that died this year or any other year in avalanches or related accidents would ask you to feel sorry for them or JUDGE them, but they would like you to mind your own buisness and pay some respect to their families and loved ones.Mind your own buisness, live life how you see fit, don't judge others on how they are living theirs and have some respect.
Ride Safe, Play Hard!