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Aug 17, 2009
what about weight OT

a sled thats 50lbs heavier but makes a couple more mph trackspeed does not matter now does it.

trackspeed is important but not everything.

TrackSpeed is everything i don't care what the sled weighs. Have you looked at the pain the Apex Turbo has handed the 2 strokes the last 5 years ?

Aug 17, 2009
The only full of themselves is you OT. Never met anyone who knows so much about nothing like yourself!! I got a question for you, see if you can get this one right!!

1000' climb, no tracks, 3' of bottomless powder, no run at the hill. Who climbs out, A or B??

A - Turbo M800 running 10 lbs boost, 200 lb rider, 136" x 15" x 1" track, 55 mph track speed.

B - Stock XP800, 220 lbs rider, 163" x 16" x 2.25" track, 45 mph track speed.

And lets see if we agree that in order to move from the bottom of the hill to the top of the hill, you will need acceleration and velocity (both of which are ground speed).

I am betting you are arrogantly stupid enough to answer A!!!

Oh ya, and when we come riding up there this year, I will be bringing 2 Struther's 910's, an RKT860 and a little ole Cat 900. I will only say this, you better bring your "A" game!! And please, bring the Trygstad 860!!

CC, i was climbing 1000' climbs back in 2000 with my 700 Yamaha Mountain Max 141 2" lug with triple pipes and a head. Whats your point ?

Can't wait to see you guy's i'll have my Trygstad, a BD 800 Dragon w/NOS and a Turbo Apex. Don't be to surprised if the TApex rains King of the hill....Im buying the steak dinners.

CC Whats up with the TM8's 136" X15 x 1" track ? Everybody knows a 163 x 2.25 will out float a 136 x 1" track regardless of whats under the hood. Kind of a DUMB compare if you ask me.

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Nov 26, 2007
OT---Who ****in cares what will beat what. You will think what you want to think in that little wrinkled up head of yours, and every other swingin dik on this site will think what they want to. SO WHO CARES.

If you have a BB, Ride it
If you have a turbo, Ride it
If you have a stocker, Ride it
If you have agawddammed el tigre 6000. Who ****in cares, ride the POS

Everybody is on this site because they ride SNOWMOBILES. Yes, some think they are king chit, but let them keep thinking that.

Gawd we need some snow (so I can race somebody):eek:

Have a great night boyz:beer;:beer;:beer;:beer;:beer;
Aug 17, 2009
Don't bring up this don't bring up that....Like i said CC i on't know what deck of cards your playing with Bud ?

By the way CC the pic your looking for was a Viper Mod buried to the hilt while 12 guys waited at the bottom and never even made an attempt.

Are you trying to say you've never been buried to the hilt ? Come on CC who are you trying to Bull Sh!t ?

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Aug 17, 2009
Some guy's finally made up in my track to help me out. I was buried pretty good as i dug a trench all the way to China.

If you've never ben in that situation your not riding :D

Aug 17, 2009
It was an extreme example of how Track Speed doesn't always prevail. Track Speed don't mean anything if you can't get it to the Ground (i.e. Ground Speed)!! :D

CC, it was a dumb example....Why in the world do you suppose a guy would invest in a turbo kit or BB kit. with the intent of not getting the power to the snow.

By the way when the snow fly's were riding on snow not asphalt or grass. Furthermore you could have 500 HP under the hood if the clutching is not correct your trackspeed will not hook up to it's potential. The wrong track can contribute as well.

Oct 13, 2008
You guys are full of your selves....The only reason guy's are purchasing turbo kit's, BB kit's & NOS kits would be to increase there "trackspeed".

Who gives a F:DCK about ground speed anyway ??.....Hey dude that was some pretty awesome ground speed your sled makes. YAH RIGHT !!!!

Good grief some of you guy's need to take the rocks out of your pockets and get real. :eek:


Talk about full of yourself:confused: If you are watching a thunderstruck vid do you say holy crap that turbo's track is spinning fast. Or do you say holy crap that turbo is hauling a$$ up that hill. Now why do some tracks work better than others. Could it be that they get better traction and if you spin a track with no traction fast it will not beat a slower spinning track with more traction. They go hand in hand. And yes all mods are done to get more trackspeed which results in more speed going up the hill a.k ground speed. So spin your track as fast as you can, but if it does not move you across the ground or up the hill very fast it does not matter how fast it is spinning. Flame away:beer;:beer;
Aug 17, 2009
Talk about full of yourself:confused: If you are watching a thunderstruck vid do you say holy crap that turbo's track is spinning fast. Or do you say holy crap that turbo is hauling a$$ up that hill. Now why do some tracks work better than others. Could it be that they get better traction and if you spin a track with no traction fast it will not beat a slower spinning track with more traction. They go hand in hand. And yes all mods are done to get more trackspeed which results in more speed going up the hill a.k ground speed. So spin your track as fast as you can, but if it does not move you across the ground or up the hill very fast it does not matter how fast it is spinning. Flame away:beer;:beer;

Dude it's called trackspeed generated by there HP under there hoods...Do you see Jims crew doing it with a 600 cc sled with a 3/4 in track ?

Oct 13, 2008
Dude it's called trackspeed generated by there HP under there hoods...Do you see Jims crew doing it with a 600 cc sled with a 3/4 in track ?


If track speed does not translate into ground speed you have nothing. By the way drop the dude thing what are you 10 years old. My post was about how they go hand in hand and you do not obviously understand how. No matter how you get there the sled with the most momentum uphill will get the high mark. Yes momentum comes from hp & torque transfering into track speed which inturn results in ground speed. If it does not you have problems.
Aug 17, 2009
If track speed does not translate into ground speed you have nothing. By the way drop the dude thing what are you 10 years old. My post was about how they go hand in hand and you do not obviously understand how. No matter how you get there the sled with the most momentum uphill will get the high mark. Yes momentum comes from hp & torque transfering into track speed which inturn results in ground speed. If it does not you have problems.

Without TRACKSPEED everything else is just a mute point.



Well-known member
Nov 26, 2001
ground speed means nothing.a 174 can tractor up the hill and get highmark.


Nov 27, 2007
Pull your sled out of the garage and park it in the driveway. Jack up the back end by whatever means you have available. Fire it up and hold the throttle constant at whatever it takes to get you 50mph trackspeed. Take note of whats happening. Now take your sled off the stand. Drive it across your lawn holding a constant throttle at whatever it takes to get lets say 15mph trackspeed. If your track is "hooked up" and not spinning, this will get you 15mph ground speed. Take note. Now put your sled back in the garage. Now compare notes and decide for yourself which is more productive, 50mph track speed and 0mph ground speed or 15mph trackspeed and 15mph ground speed.

Hopefully if you are not mentally retarded you will "see the light" and realize that cc and many others who posted are correct. Ground speed gets you up the hill. Yes you need trackspeed to get ground speed, but you can have trackspeed and no groundspeed.
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Oct 13, 2008
ground speed means nothing.a 174 can tractor up the hill and get highmark.

Because the other sleds with shorter tracks and more track speed had to turn out they had lost all their ground speed and the 174 with less track speed still has enough traction and groung speed to keep climbing.
Ot not arguing that track speed is not critical ( nobody is ). Simply stated that track speed and ground speed are equally important. You cannot have high ground speed without high track speed, but you can have high track speed without having high ground speed due to clutching , traction and other variables.
Aug 17, 2009
Because the other sleds with shorter tracks and more track speed had to turn out they had lost all their ground speed and the 174 with less track speed still has enough traction and groung speed to keep climbing.
Ot not arguing that track speed is not critical ( nobody is ). Simply stated that track speed and ground speed are equally important. You cannot have high ground speed without high track speed, but you can have high track speed without having high ground speed due to clutching , traction and other variables.

The shorter tracks do not float like the longer tracks do...This becomes very noticable in deep deep snow....When a shorter track and a longer start off in deep snow the shorter track will "plow" through the deep snow while the longer track has a much easier time getting on top of the deep snow to float due to the tracks larger surface area....This is true weather the sleds are climbing a hill of deep snow or going through a meadow of deep deep snow.

The shorter track will require alot more trackspeed and will rarely if ever be able to achieve the same results of a longer track using less track speed under the same deep snow conditions

Example...I can be on a hill with a long track and let off the throttle and than stab the throttle and still float the snow. While with a short track that's not possible. The short track will more than likely trench once the track speed is lost.

Ground speed is a mute point when your floating on top of 3 feet of virgin fluff.

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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 25, 2007
The shorter tracks do not float like the longer tracks do...This becomes very noticable in deep deep snow....When a shorter track and a longer start off in deep snow the shorter track will "plow" through the deep snow while the longer track has a much easier time getting on top of the deep snow to float....This is true weather the sleds are climbing a hill of deep snow or going through a meadow of deep deep snow.

The shorter track will require alot more trackspeed and will rarely if ever be able to achieve the same results of a longer track using less track speed under the same deep snow conditions

Example...I can be on a hill with a long track and let off the throttle and than stab the throttle and still float the snow. While with a short track that's not possible. The short track will more than likely trench once the track speed is lost.

Ground speed is a mute point when your floating on top of 3 feet of virgin fluff.


per your example Ot..both the short track and the long track loose track speed when you back out of the gas..the difference is with the longer track it is easier to recover the lost ground speed....both sleds will recover their track speed when you gas them again...but only the long track is able to pick back up its ground speed..both have track speed..but the short track lost its ground speed.. on the gas its not floating that is saving the long track..its the amount of hookup that keeps it moving..(easy to prove too ..just compare a widetrack 15+156+1 1/4 track to a camo extreme 15+156+2.5... at slow speed with no track spin the long track is getting around by "floating on the snow"..but on the gas it is all about the amount of hookup provided by the track....
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