Montana is not a right to work state. When I was hired, I had the option to join the union or not. The non union and the union employees at my company earn the same wage and benefits for the same job level.
All unions aren't evil. In Montana the craft unions are absolutely needed. These unions give benefits to these craftsmen and put them in the jobs when needed. Many of these jobs are a week or two here and there, working for many different companies in a year. These unions are beneficial to the companies and the craftsmen, keeping projects manned and men employed.
That being said, if you aren't performing up to par, you will be laid off or fired and they will call the next guy on the list that will gladly perform.
Don't you think the reason your union is a GOOD example of unions,
and Mich. UAW is a BAD example of unions is due (at least in part) to manditory vs voluntary membership?
Unions should have to earn your dollars, and if you are forced to join them they do not have to earn your dollars....they take your dollars.