u just have to know the right places to get when your a youngin.
one year we had a kid working with us that thought he was hot stuff and was always beggin us for a dip or smokes, had never tried the stuff but he knew he was man enough to handle it. for a long time i turned him down because i knew how bad the stuff is and how quick it can get ya, but one day he wouldn't let up so i gave in and let him have a chaw. right after i handed it to him i went out and moved a trailer, gone no more than ten minutes, when i came back in he was curled up on the stairs with his head against the wall. i asked what the deal was and he said he'd already thrown up and was sick as a dog. it was a while before he lived that one down and he never asked for a dip again. just thought that was a funny little tobacco story i'd share.