I'd still ride, but man would that be difficult going back in time. There is no substitute for todays' technology.
Off topic:
It alwayse gets me when someone has this romantic idea of being born in the wrong era.
They obviously havent thought it through, as they drink water from a faucet in their house, do their business in a heated bathroom inside the house with indoor plumbing, while texting on their i phone, with cable tv going in the other room, and lights on in every room in the house.
mean while we are able to drive within 10 minutes of our house and have a full meal prepared for us within minutes, and store food in a refrigerator. That's just a taste of the amenities of modern times.
There are so many other reasons that most of these people would change their mind if they thought it through.
Granted, there are those select few who probably would rather have lived their lives in the 1800s, but most of us would not trade todays facilities for those of the past. Not on a bet...
food for thought.