Randy, Brad and Brett were a last minute deal and Shain Stainger stopped by on his way back from Washington so we had quite the rider turnout... We also had Val Simmons from Simmons Skis come up with Brad.
I have to say thanks to all that came down to the theater for a great time. The theater seats 750 and we figured we had over 550 this year. Jim said it has turned out to be the biggest premier to date and we have already booked it for next year... same weekend.
The Lush provided the drinks and they didn't figure it would be so big... we ran them out of Crown by 730 at the theater and the bar. They had to go to the liquor store down the street to restock... Once we hit the Lush for the after party they were amazed at the attendance... they are in as well for next year.
A special thank you goes out to the sponsors... without them we could have never done this... Carl's, Moto Tech, Snake River, Hinsons, Mountain Village Resort, RK Motorworks... these guys really stepped up to provide us the Egyptian Theater. We also had some great prizes this year... Les Schwab Tires, Simmons Skis, True Adventure Gear, RSI, Ashley Inn, Cougar Mt Lodge, FLY/WPS, Boulder Inn, South Fork Lodge, Smith, Plantation Country Club, 2 Cool Air Vents and Better Boards.
Already planning for next year... this has been a great way to kick off the sledding year.