If you look at the graph posted above you will see a huge concentration of Co2 in the atmosphere as Compared to now. When the sun shines on the earth plants take in Co2 and through the miracle of photosynthesis create carbon based lifeforms and expel Oxygen. Currently the population of the earth has exceeded the carrying capcity of the sun and we are relying on stored energy of the sun. All of that carbon in the armosphere a long time ago has been turned into oil. Matter cannot be destroyed, humans have not created any more carbon than there was when time began. Until we start recreating the power of the sun through nuclear energy we will be dependent on the stored energy of the sun in fossil fuels. The bottom line is the sun is powering everything, just not directly.
Global Warming is BS, but the envirocomies will try and blame whatever is happening on us to further their agenda, whatever that is.
I agree there's too many people on the planet, but why do you say we've exceeded the carrying capacity of the sun????? The sun's giving us 165,000 terawatts of power continuously.