When my power went out @ 1:00 it was a good time to head up to the high country for a look see. It was all rain and no snow on the ground at Cisco. An raining hard. The first snow on the road was just below the Fordyce Y.
Lots of down tree on the way up and I was hoping nothing big came down to block my way out.
Had about 3 inches @ the Bowl below Magonigal summit.
This is a Pic of the Hill Climb on the North end of Magonigal Mdw. Lots of rock here.
I turned around @ the top of Magonigal Summit with no more the 4 inches of snow and all rain at this point.
On my way out raining very hard with some snow in the rain. I took this Pic out the window of the Mdw to the south of Magonigal Rd.
The good news if there is any??? The ground is so dry that the creeks are still dry so when the snow dose come we will still have covered creek crossings.
Pic. of Rattlesnake Cr. by the Fordyce Y.
Lots of down tree on the way up and I was hoping nothing big came down to block my way out.
Had about 3 inches @ the Bowl below Magonigal summit.
This is a Pic of the Hill Climb on the North end of Magonigal Mdw. Lots of rock here.
I turned around @ the top of Magonigal Summit with no more the 4 inches of snow and all rain at this point.
On my way out raining very hard with some snow in the rain. I took this Pic out the window of the Mdw to the south of Magonigal Rd.
The good news if there is any??? The ground is so dry that the creeks are still dry so when the snow dose come we will still have covered creek crossings.
Pic. of Rattlesnake Cr. by the Fordyce Y.