Ok today “we” rode out of Touchet Corral. It wasn’t about the quality of snow or how many times a skidoo got stuck or anything like that. Today was about being on the mountain, getting a burger and enjoying a friend that we are really lucky is still with us.
Drew and I ushered Glenn to the mountain for the first time this year. For those that don’t know Glenn was in the hospital for 42 days this fall with COVID. It was serious enough that I hated everytime his brother Bill (one of my best friends) called as I always feared the worst.
Glenn is out of the hospital and working hard at therapy to regain his strength. I got to see Glenn for the first time last week when I picked Bill for his first ride of the year after having hip replacement. Glenn is 2/3s of the man that he used to be. He was in great spirits and very humble. He was so thankful that his wife let him drive the 4 miles by himself to the orchard to see us last weekend. At this point I figured if he got to ride to Godman the first week of March he would be doing amazing.
Wednesday morning I received a text from Glenn asking if I was up to helping him get to Godman for a Jake burger on Saturday? I thought he must be joking so I called Bill and he confirmed that Glenn was serious. I wasn’t sure it was a good idea and I had hesitation but I was in. If he wanted this, I was going to help. I was also going to be the voice of reason and the ‘medical’ person just in case things did not go as intended. Did I mention I brought my cell phone, spot and fire radio just in case.
So this morning we picked him up at his house. His wife had a very concerned look on her face as she handed me the 2 bottles of oxygen. She was sending a spare just in case. He promised to me and her that he would behave. Did I mention he was riding his new turbo?
So when we got to the parking lot I got a oxygen bottle strapped to the back of the turbo and we seemed to ready. At that point we had to wait for the crowd to clear because the 2 stroke smoke was causing him breathing problems. I think he was just taking it all in. ? Finally we got headed up the trail, not 100 yards up the trail I saw a 50 yard rooster tail coming from the turbo. So much for behaving.
A mile up the road I see him stand up on his sled, lay the hammer down as the skis go into the air four feet. So much for behaving. He then shoots the bank to go over to the Chase road. When he get to the road, that is when reality set in. He was needing to take a break to catch his breath. That is when he tells me he forgot his spO2 monitor. (I almost called it at this point) After 20 plus minutes he catches his breath and he agrees to take it easier until we get to Godman. We proceeded, stopping every 2 miles to let the turbo cool down and so he could catch his breath.
We finally made it to Godman where we got Glenn first oxygen and then a burger. On the way back we only had to stop to stop once.
Glenn had a perma-grin all day. I am positive he would do it again tomorrow if we were going.
It is a day that I will never forget. Spending time with a great friend on the mountain.