I don't think anyone really wants to see any of the big 3 disappear. Or to see Americans unemployed. However, I think we all agree that the way things are currently being done isn't working. It's not as though this just happened! They woke up one morning and said "OMG we are in financial trouble".

NO, this has been going on for years. And nothing was done to fix it.
I don't claim to know the inner workings of any of these companies. Again, obviously what they are doing isn't working. I don't think it is just one aspect of the business. It is many combined.
OK, so the UAW is a small piece of the pie, but that piece involves thousands of employees. Lets just say 3000 employees. What if just 2% of them aren't producing at the wage of $58000. You are talking about a loss of $3,480,000. Again, not picking sides here as to right or wrong with the union. Just giving some food for thought.
Or, lets look at union dues. I'll guess around $2400/yr. This was figured into employee wages when the UAW negotiated. Take that X the same 3000 people and you have a financial burden of $7,200,000 per year. How is the company supposed to afford that? They raise the price of the units until the cost can no longer justify the quality or you have exceeded most peoples budget. Either way, people aren't buying the product.
Now add in all the excessive warranty's that American vehicles tend to exhibit. The overproducing that causes excess inventory that can't be moved or has to be sold at a discount or loss. Companies that large have waste dollars seeping through the cracks everywhere.
Unfortunately, Joe taxpayer is now going to have help out companies that he may have never done business with. Even when his own business may be struggling.
Please, just take this only as opinions and thoughts. I don't claim to know that much about this. It has just been getting discussed quite a bit in our group. Certainly not trying to alienate anyone on this forum. We are all here to learn and discuss.