To the OP, it's the lousy lack of snow that have driven down the resale of sleds. The jacked up price of the new AXYS will only drive the values of older sleds up. Just imagine if they sold a new AXYS for $10-$12k. How much do you think your old sled would be worth then?
Now, for me, I never worry about price. I'm not rich, by any means, but I first look at my sled and ask if it's holding me back. My motto I live by is 'Never let your equipment hold you back'. So, would my talent benefit from upgrading to a 2016 from a slightly modded 2012? I don't think so, at this point. If at some point my ability warrants an upgrade to the AXYS, then I'll figure out a way to buy one. I could care less how 'new' my sled is.
I couldn't have said that better.