Hey Guys,
He is awake and the swelling in his eyes has gone down so he is able to open them and write things down on the paper.. of coarse one of his questions was how is the sled??
He is moving is head, arms, feet, ect. So we are very hopeful that once we get the Trech tube in him that he will be on his way to a full recovery. Tonight will be the hardest night. Dr.'s say this can be a life threatening procedure. Thank you guys for all your thoughts and prayrs.
OUr spots did work.. My family including me all got a call from there emergancy responce center, I was out riding my dirt bike and when I got back tom had called and told me they called life flight so I cancled the s.p.o.t. one.. It does work but with no way to tell if they were coming or not they called 911. There is still an unknown to why it took them so long. Somthing I will have to figure out when this is all ok.
S.P.O.T is a great tool if you do not have cell service, but just wanted to let you all know that it did work and they were also sending another helicopter to a guy up there who jumped a cornus. S.P.O.T. ermergancy crew did take him to St. Lukes.
If anyone whould like to call or come down please let me know. He could use all the support right now.
Thanks again!
Courtney Durbin!