OFT Racing - will you, or a rep be at Haydays ? And if not at a booth making it obvious for overthinking engineers like me, do I look for OFT or is the booth under another name ? (for example SLP is selling your tethers...) or ?
60 bucks is worth it to me ... if it's simple, effective, reliable, and easy to install (P&P). [Most of which has been addressed in the comments above]
I like the handle bar mount concept shown in a pic abov.e
Adding the standard Poo tether like those used on the racers is easy (after I made a little bracket at the base of the handle bar bracket), but wasn't so reliable. Not sure if bad connection or what. Like others have said - it has to work, not matter how far into the snow my head is stuffed [complete with feet kicking in the air].