My greatest advice is keep her encouraged!!!! Sounds like you have her on a good ride that is a big part of it!!! When she gets stuck or puts it on it's side keep it positive!!! Keep her laughing!!! Some girls are super agressive and others are more passive, so find her balance if she is really wanting to get out there, find a little lake or meadow and teach her some basics carving ect, let her get the feel for the sled and accomplish some of small basics that are key to riding in general!!! Like the others said make sure she is warm, because there is nothing more miserable than being cold watching you take a dozen spins up the hill!!! Find an area where you can both play, you can rip up the hill and she can shred in the trees/bottom!! Sometimes it really helps when we know nobody is watching!! I know it sounds silly but even on the trail have her follow you and mimic the moves you make, where you stand on the rails, where you put your weight what side of the sled your on at certain times, this helps get the concept down as well!!!! Good luck to you both, I hope you have a ripper chick on your hands before long!!! And yes I must agree REVY is the GREATEST PLACE ON EARTH!!!!