With the improvements to the 14 M, all three are good choices, and be made to do what you want. Each have their quirks, and their fun points. For me, it would also come down to how much more I had to invest in tools, since I do all of my own maint, and most mods, and clutch tools are not free. For many, it is also the quality of the local dealer. For example, if you can get your sleds from Carls, why not ride a poo? Before the XM, I did find the pro to take less energy for me to ride, especially in the back half of a good day. And they are easier to work on than an etec or cat 2 stroke (and I do have an etec XP). But that's me.
These are expensive and highly capable toys, but when ridden hard, they can break. Look at what we do to these things now, compared to just 10 or 15 years ago. A dealer, or the ability to fix them, is important. Rider skill is more critical, in the end, then the ride itself.