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Supply and demand myA$$!!!



Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
We are all on here complaining about it. Is there something that someone can come up with that would be a good way to fight the gas prices? Any good ideas? I think alot of people have slowed down a little or tryied to combine trips to town or tried to cut down on the use of gas, but what else can we do to get it to come down in the near future? Any good ideas are welcome.

The prices aren't going to come down.
Our habits are what needs to change, and this is hard for anybody. Combine trips, slow down while driving. America has always taken advantage of being able to jump in their car and go anywhere, at any time (example I ran up to Home Depot last Saturday 3 times. The first for my initial pickup, the second for a .30 cent sprinkler part, and the 3rd for a grade 8 bolt for my clutch cover, then over to the gas station for a 6 pack, and later out with my wife to grab a movie. I went anywhere I wanted at any time I wanted) This is the habit of most Americans, as we've grown up taking advantage of this freedom. Our habits will change, as not only is fuel up, but food at the grocery store is outrageous, building materials (a box of framing nails for a nailgun were $38 last year and $28 the year before, now their $90.) 99% of the people on this forum live on a fixed income, so the rise in the cost of living will force a change. Wether we like or not, we will be forced.
Apr 7, 2008
Salmon Arm BC Canada
up here in bc you have to pre pay before you pump because people would just fill up and leave..well if you make all stations full sever wouldnt that help ur problem? bottom line is until we as the consumers stop buying gas and oil the rich and just going to get richer and we will just keep getting s**t on. im only 17 and only learn about politics when in school so im not saying that my post is correct or incorrect, its just my opinion.
Nov 26, 2007
Here's another thought for you guys and I'm going to play devil's advocate here: The news agencies always harp on the oil companies about how much profit they are raking in. But the figures are always given in gross dollar amounts (ie: $130B / quarter) and therefore seem like an astronomical figures. Does anyone have any specifics on what the typical oil companies profit margin is in percentage and how that compares to the average US business profit margin? I'd guess that they are probably in line with the average profit margin for a US business (20-30%).


Mar 16, 2004
Lets get real here.
People aren't going to stop driving. They arn't going to change their habits enough to make a dent. We need to develope a new way of doing things.
Hydrogen, plasma, whatever.
We are close, REAL close to making this a reality.
There is a finite amount of oil. We need to find a new way of fueling our needs and wants.

one other problem is this.
Everyone keeps saying we need to do this or do that.
Even if they came out with a way to make fuel for 5 cents a gallon and do it tomorrow, it won't happen.


It would crash the worlds economy. The middle east would completely callapse. Their entire economy is based on oil, russia would crash and the US economy would tumble. What ever they do will have to be in bits and pieces.
I expect them to come out with something to blend with gasoline to "stretch" the supply and then slowly increase the blend till they phase out gas completely or at least offer an alternative to the oil producing countries.
Nov 26, 2007
Everyone keeps saying we need to do this or do that.
Even if they came out with a way to make fuel for 5 cents a gallon and do it tomorrow, it won't happen.

How about .61 cents a gallon? thats the current cost of CNG down the street from me at the station. .74 cents a gallon if you get the home refueling station and fill'er up in the garage.

I'm going to convert my truck over this summer to bi-fuel. $1200 for the kit, $1300 for the bottle, installation looks to be a breeze. After that it will only cost about $6 to fill up. With gas at 3 and a half, it wont take long to re-coup that cost. The mts will be emptier too because of other people cutting back... cng for the win.

Nov 26, 2007
One more thing:

There is a finite amount of oil.

There is a theory with growing support from scientists that this is NOT the case, that oil is continuously produced in the earths core. Think back in the 70's... they said we had 20 years worth of oil left? Now just this year they find a brand new oil field in North Dakota that is greater than the entire middle east? Lets add on the oil sands of canada that also has mroe oil than the middle east... AND we have the UT/WY/CO oil shale... there is over THREE times as much oil there as in the middle east.

There is a ****load of oil out there... not even including the arctic or off the CA coast.

Anyway, start here with the theory of natural oil replenishment:




Mar 16, 2004
One more thing:

There is a theory with growing support from scientists that this is NOT the case, that oil is continuously produced in the earths core. Think back in the 70's... they said we had 20 years worth of oil left? Now just this year they find a brand new oil field in North Dakota that is greater than the entire middle east? Lets add on the oil sands of canada that also has mroe oil than the middle east... AND we have the UT/WY/CO oil shale... there is over THREE times as much oil there as in the middle east.

There is a ****load of oil out there... not even including the arctic or off the CA coast.

Anyway, start here with the theory of natural oil replenishment:



You could be right, I am by no means an expert.
Even if what you say is correct, it doesn't matter.
We can't do anything with it.
We can't refine it, the enviro's won't allow it.
We can't pump it, the enviro's won't allow it.

So I guess it is a mute point.
Nov 21, 2005
9 Mile Falls, WA
Why at some point won't everybody just say F*** the enviros? Enough already! We have let the enviros sheperd this country around far enough. We need to quit accepting their bs and just ram things through. Coal plants, refineries etc, etc.
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