Someone on the old forum started to make decals then got contacted by Snowest to stop due to copyright infringment...something to think about.....especially when taking orders on their site.
nice decal though!
I just spoke to SnoWest and they said it is ok as long as I am not making a profit and openly advertising it. If it is used for identifying forum members it should be ok. He said he would make a post for me to clarify.
These are going to be way cheaper then I thought with this many of them. I got a quote back from the vinyl cutter and she said with 50-75 they will be about $2.00 each at 7" long, so they may be even cheaper since we are over 100.
As far as payment goes it is going to be easier for me to just get cash when you pick them up because I don't plan on mailing them out to every one (unless you are up in FBX or something).
We can figure it out after they are made, maybe set up a date and place to meet up.
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