I remember hearing several reports last year of sledders falling through thin ice early last season in the rush to have some fun. I stumbled across a couple videos on youtube that may be a help if ever you find yourself on ice that you should not be on.
It's kind of a 'dry' video (pardon the pun) but a little more education can never hurt if it helps to keep us safe as we kick off our favorite season. If you enjoy playing on frozen rivers or lakes, do yourself a favor and make sure to wait till it is safe, we don't need more tragedies affecting our loved ones, or our sport.
It's kind of a 'dry' video (pardon the pun) but a little more education can never hurt if it helps to keep us safe as we kick off our favorite season. If you enjoy playing on frozen rivers or lakes, do yourself a favor and make sure to wait till it is safe, we don't need more tragedies affecting our loved ones, or our sport.