that's some funny stuff right there. i lived in egypt for two years, unfortunately i understand exactly where he is coming from. even more unfortunately the chances of it changing are slim to none. that type of behavior is ingrained into their culture. sure at times there will be improvements but over all i can't see a major shift in their culture. i think one of our biggest mistakes, or better yet, miscalculations was trying to apply americain values, morals, and common sense to the situation. it just doesn't work. the culture is so back-asswards from ours it is nearly impossible for americains, including our leadership both past and present, to understand because we continue to apply logic to the situation. sorry didn't mean to get political. and please, please do not misunderstand my post to imply our forces are not doing the most amazing job. me and my family enjoy the privileges of living here through the sacrifice and hell they must live with everyday. i try to remind myself of that daily.