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Some more changes to the forum

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Oh ya... well I rode my sled today did you :p

I don't expect the dealer to warranty my sled after it's been altered even if the alterations have nothing to do with warrantied part. I deal with people all the time that use the wrong product or improperly apply a product and they want me to fix it or pay for it to be done the way it should have been in the first place.

I think there's a big difference between warranty and recall. :beer;

yeah..but you dont count..polaris see's no difference...:D
I don't think the knowledge guys will leave, alot of members will bail but I think the majority of actual contributing members will stay. If they can provide what they say they are going to ie: factory reps the forums will succeed.

I agree Mag. If you read the threads that have been bashing this site lately, it is the same few members stroking each other over and over about how bad this site is. The contributing members love this sport/hobby and will stay with a quality site, even for a small fee.
totally off topic , but mooths tooth "Avalanche" pizza and a spenard night life >>>> everything else :):)
I would pay just so I can get the electronic version of the magazine, at least that way I know I will recieve my subscription. My mail man must have hundreds of snowest magazines hiding at his house. I'm also thinking that is might cut down of new members jumping on the forums to ask some of the more famous questions like "whats the best oil", "will I loose my warranty if I dont use polaris oil", or my favorite this week " whats your opinion on the 700 Dragon" I think there are about a thousand of those threads. Either way this forum has been very valuable to me.
Adrenalin.... 1st off... that combo is my fav at MT actually... great call.

Is a "spenard night life" a beer or something you get checked for at the clinic?

To answer that: A and B would be acceptable answers!!!
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trav907 hit it spot on =)

might have to get a group together and go hit MT up , better then sitting in my garage staring at my sled wishing i was riding :D
First off, i just burned my DiGiorno personal pizza while reading that post, so we're off to a bad start from the get go....

For the record, i think a fee based forum is a bad idea. It will be interesting to see what happens when the dust clears.

After the few small changes and the griping that went on(i personally favored the changes), that is a pretty good indication that the users of snowest weren't really wanting a change. So right off the bat, after standing by and observing this situational rhetoric, again, more changes + a fee is a bad idea.

That being said, I will probably be inclined to pay the 1 year subscription price, if for nothing else, to see how this economic/social experiment pans out. BUT, before I shell out $15 dollars, i have to figure out what that amount of money means to me:


1 Scooner & 6 inch sub @ Pizza man
Half jug of oil from AMDS
Splitting a bottle of Jager with a friend
3/4 of a lap dance @ Bush Co.

I guess $15 really isn't much these days. The digital magazines is a definite plus. There is no way i would pay any price beyond the 1 year because the future of this forum is uncertain.

Oh well, we will see what happens. I would like to wish Chris & snowest the best...
Good post..

80% of the people here (not in AK section) just gripe about everything lol, ill pay the fee! What else would i do when the snows deep and im not riding it?? Sit at home in the AK section looking at lucky people that are
I agree there are free sites but I know that the cost of upgrades for servers is just like the up grades for our toys (expensive). I will shell out the money for snowest Just like I do for my winter toy. I just hope that we dont lose a bunch of our members CAUSE there's alot of knowledge on this site that I dont want to lose .:cool:

I was the Director of IT for a huge manufacturing company and I can tell you that I ran the entire company on a budget far below what their potential income is for this site. That included a full T1 and a dedicated webserver with all the fixen's. I also had 7 other servers running MS-SQL and a host of other enterprise applications. If you want to swallow that the membership will just cover cost then please do so but I can tell you there is profit in them there numbers.. a lot of profit if this is to only cover the cost of upgrades. A full T1 through Verizon is now less then $1,000.00 per month.

With all that said I will probably pay for one year but after that.... we shall see.
I agree there are free sites but I know that the cost of upgrades for servers is just like the up grades for our toys (expensive). I will shell out the money for snowest Just like I do for my winter toy. I just hope that we dont lose a bunch of our members CAUSE there's alot of knowledge on this site that I dont want to lose .:cool:

I was the Director of IT for a huge manufacturing company and I can tell you that I ran the entire company on a budget far below what their potential income is for this site. That included a full T1 and a dedicated webserver with all the fixen's. I also had 7 other servers running MS-SQL and a host of other enterprise applications. If you want to swallow that the membership will just cover cost then please do so but I can tell you there is profit in them there numbers.. a lot of profit if this is to only cover the cost of upgrades. A full T1 through Verizon is now less then $1,000.00 per month.

With all that said I will probably pay for one year but after that.... we shall see.

I guess my point is this, if you want to make money off a site then tell me that you want to do so but don't try and sell me that it takes potentially $300,000 per year to run a site that is probably running on a Free BSD using free forum software on a server that costs $7,000 with a monthly T1 fee of $800.00 per month..
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