OWS may be disorganized, its a reflection of the dissatisfaction most young adults have with getting nowhere in life, many of whom are educated and work hard, not everyone is lazy. The OWS movement may be temporarily co-opted by whatever special interest group, but in the long run it will bring about a positive change. This is probably the start of the next revolution and I don't see things ending well for the powers that be. The cat is out of the bag! We know what is going on and we know who the *******s are. I just got more informed and entertained by Rap News (search it on youtube or my post here) than all the mainstream media I've ever payed attention to. Fox, CNN, CNBC, NSMBC, CBC, CTV, BBC are all goners, when my parent's generation dies, they won't have an audience. RT on the other hand is killing it because the truth sells.
I think there are a number of things that need to be implemented immediately that would drastically turn things around. And hopefully we will see these changes in the next year or two.
1-Reinstate Glass-Stegal and outlaw derivatives. This would put an end to all the artificial debt in the system.
2-Tax companies that add value to their products in foreign countries at a much higher rate than those that produce products domestically, thus reducing the trade deficit and reversing the outsourcing of jobs.
3-End the wars, REALLY!
4-Have the Government create debt free money and take that power away from these private companies (Federal Reserve and Bank of Canada-technically a crown corporation but seeing as Canada is a private company, its all the same) that create money as debt and then tack on the interest that bankrupts nations. See Dunn and Bradshaw, search USA, See SEC search Canada, both privately owned companies created to manage the bankruptcies of their "nations".
5-Clean House! Investigate all fraud and corruption in government and big business and throw the guilty bastards in jail a long timeout.
6-Force companies to prove and comply with providing a valued service to the public.
7-Use the correct terminology, We want a constitutional republic, not a democracy. A constitutional republic ensures your rights, a democracy is where two wolves and a sheep vote on what is for dinner.
8- Stop the bailouts, the bailouts are a slight of hand, all they do is transform the private debts of the scammers into public debts. The scammers need to fail.
Those are my thoughts.