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so i spend my afternoon with the police!!! it was AWESOME!

Dec 1, 2007
Black Hills, S.D.
5 budies and I went out turkey hunting. On the way out I got pulled over for speeding, the sherrif comes up and I hand him my drivers lic. and cwp on top. He ask where the gun was and I replied which one(not the right thing to say). We ended up having to unload the truck, 15 guns and enough ammo to start a small war. Fortunately the sherrif was understanding. By the time we got done, all I got was a verbal warring for speeding.

Snow Fox

Sounds like to me that you were treated very good considering the circumstances. Why did you choose to drive off from the scene? Why didn't you just stay there and call the authorities and get the situation resolved? Maybe because you were shooting prairie dogs on that mans property.....:eek:

There are two sides to every story.

Snow Fox

this is why I don't like the Man....a few bad apples in the cop shop really wreck it.

Doubt you had full metal jacket though....pretty sure the booking officer I had when I got my DUI was that dude. Hardcore flat top buzz cut and all. Guy had the balls to sit and tell me I was fibbing about my hair color on my DL and to him.....I'm a freaking ginger, always have been. He swore up and down I was a liar and that it was brown.

I got him back though, he gets done and tells me I can start calling someone to pick me up. "I'll dial the number for you, what is it?" I say back to him, "well how about you give me back my cell phone you took and I can get you a number"

He doesn't send me a x-mas card now:mad:

........and while getting booked in you are inoxicated......:eek:

Moral of the story: DON'T DRIVE DRUNK! Then you won't have to deal with the man..........:rolleyes:
Nov 26, 2007
billings, MT
Sounds like to me that you were treated very good considering the circumstances. Why did you choose to drive off from the scene? Why didn't you just stay there and call the authorities and get the situation resolved? Maybe because you were shooting prairie dogs on that mans property.....:eek:

There are two sides to every story.

well i stated for the record that i was not on private property but shot over a fence that was apparently his. my fault and i readily admit that. but there were no signs or orange posts to me recollection anywhere. we choose to drive off due to the fact that this man was irate and that was the best way to alleviate the LARGE amount of tension. i dont know about you but when somebody is calling you every name in the book and reaching through the window i get a little agitated as well. things can get ugly in a hurry so flight was the best and most readily available option. that way i dont do anything that i will, in a very short amount of time, regret. and as to the calling the authorites well we just chalked it up to a wacko rancher and didnt figure it was worth the effort. 3 miles later we found out the rancher thought it was worth his effort to lie. i just wonder if you would think the same way after having gone through the same scenario?

Snow Fox

sno fox is a cop if i'am not mistakin. hopfuly a good one (if there are any)

No there aren't any. Cops like to pick on all of you unsuspecting, innocent little angels..............:rolleyes:
Nov 26, 2007
billings, MT
sno fox is a cop if i'am not mistakin
. hopfuly a good one (if there are any)

hmmm i guess objectivity would be a little weak for you on this particular subject. no?:p:eek::D really i dont care if you are not objective. what i do care about is that nobody got hurt or did something stupid in the face of something so trivial in the grand scheme of things. it does bother me though that people have authority vested in them and they use it in a manner that is unbecoming.


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
Doesn't the sheriff's dept have to file charges for filing a false report? Especially one that accuses someone of a felony gun crime. I know if I was in your shoes I would have questioned that one, but sometimes life is just easier to let it go.

Snow Fox

Unbecoming......you can thank the great liberal world that we live in for that. Law Enforcement has there hands tied so much, and are held liable for any little thing. I believe that is why there is a negative image of Law Enforcement in this day and age. Certainly there are bad apples in Law enforcement, just like any profession. Though, police cannot do anything without politicians and lawyers judging their every little action. Thus what you take as cops being jerks or being over the top, are law enforcement officers trying to cover their own a$$ so they don't get sued. A great percentage of people that get into law enforcement to help people see what it is all about, and choose new professions after a couple of years.

There are still idiots like me that think they can truly make a difference, though in the grand scheme of things I think it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. So when you think that the officers are being jerks, some may be. For the most part it is just someone that is trying to do the right thing, but due to politics he or she has to make sure every little detail is taken care of or they will be the ones that are hung out to dry.

When you think it is unbecoming, try to put yourself in their shoes and then think if what they are doing is so out of line.

hmmm i guess objectivity would be a little weak for you on this particular subject. no?:p:eek::D really i dont care if you are not objective. what i do care about is that nobody got hurt or did something stupid in the face of something so trivial in the grand scheme of things. it does bother me though that people have authority vested in them and they use it in a manner that is unbecoming.
Nov 26, 2007
billings, MT
Unbecoming......you can thank the great liberal world that we live in for that. Law Enforcement has there hands tied so much, and are held liable for any little thing. I believe that is why there is a negative image of Law Enforcement in this day and age. Certainly there are bad apples in Law enforcement, just like any profession. Though, police cannot do anything without politicians and lawyers judging their every little action. Thus what you take as cops being jerks or being over the top, are law enforcement officers trying to cover their own a$$ so they don't get sued. A great percentage of people that get into law enforcement to help people see what it is all about, and choose new professions after a couple of years.

There are still idiots like me that think they can truly make a difference, though in the grand scheme of things I think it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. So when you think that the officers are being jerks, some may be. For the most part it is just someone that is trying to do the right thing, but due to politics he or she has to make sure every little detail is taken care of or they will be the ones that are hung out to dry.

When you think it is unbecoming, try to put yourself in their shoes and then think if what they are doing is so out of line.

i tried to do exactly that and for the most part i understand. that is a crucible that i would never want to be in. having said that i just didnt understand the procedural process. i thought the issue could have been solved right there instead of taking us 30 miles away. and lastly, why did the deputy have to let us know how much power he has. not necessary, imo.

snowfox what exactly do you do in law enforcement? honest question... just curious as of your official title?
Nov 26, 2007
billings, MT
Doesn't the sheriff's dept have to file charges for filing a false report? Especially one that accuses someone of a felony gun crime. I know if I was in your shoes I would have questioned that one, but sometimes life is just easier to let it go.

oh we questioned it but once again the whole cooperation thing creeps back up. once the deputy told me the charges were "unfounded" i was happy to say nothing and put her in the wind.
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
I've known good ones, and bad ones.

And, if it were me, I'd be nervous if someone was running around with a gun, and was accused of something. And, what's up with stopping people in the middle of no where at night, and walking up to a car with who knows what inside?

The part I don't get, why do they over react? They come onto your private property, to get a statement from someone, and freak out, because the property owner is caring? The property owner isn't doing anything illegal. Why is absolutely anything you say, a reason to puff up? I said something about not letting my wife handle the car registration. Cop puffs all up. My point was that I needed to take personal responsibility. He of course, thinks I'm blaming someone else. If cops would act like average people, with average people, they'd get a ton more support. Not everyone is the bad guy.

Oh BTW, I used to work in a private company full of off duty cops. I've heard them say things that they would have been fired for. They really didn't like me arguing with them. That was all before Rodney King. Things changed quite a bit after that.
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Snow Fox

And, if it were me, I'd be nervous if someone was running around with a gun, If cops would act like average people, with average people, they'd get a ton more support. Not everyone is the bad guy.QUOTE]

You just answered your own statement. When you get stopped that officer doesn't know if you are not a threat, or someone that could try to kill him. It comes down to perception. What you might think is the officer is being a jerk, the officer may think he is being extremelty nice to you. As I said, the key word is perception. If you are polite and cooperative you shouldn't have a problem. I have said before there are cops that are on power trips, though there are aholes in all walks of life.
Nov 26, 2007
billings, MT
And, if it were me, I'd be nervous if someone was running around with a gun, If cops would act like average people, with average people, they'd get a ton more support. Not everyone is the bad guy.QUOTE]

You just answered your own statement. When you get stopped that officer doesn't know if you are not a threat, or someone that could try to kill him. It comes down to perception. What you might think is the officer is being a jerk, the officer may think he is being extremelty nice to you. As I said, the key word is perception. If you are polite and cooperative you shouldn't have a problem. I have said before there are cops that are on power trips, though there are aholes in all walks of life.

Nov 26, 2007
billings, MT
and you wonder why you get treated poorly by law enforcement..........

Being a smarta$$ tends to get that accomplished...........:eek:

wasnt it you that said its all about perception.... well your perception is wrong. i was not being a smart a s s.:rolleyes: when i said "yep" i was agreeing with you regarding there being a-holes in all walks of life. take it easy man... its almost as if your gunning for me!:confused::rolleyes:
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