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so i spend my afternoon with the police!!! it was AWESOME!

Nov 26, 2007
billings, MT
well i will try to piece the events together in a lucid manner... if i can?? got up early to go coyote hunting with a good friend(andy). actually andy is the big hunter, i most generally just tag along. well it was soooooooo windy that the c-yote hunting sucked. moved on to some duck hunting. little did i know andy didnt have his plug for his shotgun. more on that later(plug). not many ducks coming in(andy shot 3) so we headed for home. decided to stop off at this game re***e(hailstone by molt). did some glassing... saw several yotes, eagles and LOTS of prairie dogs. well here is where it starts getting ugly. turned the truck around and there were some prairie dogs real close off of this two track that we were on. andy shot at one a couple times with his 9mm and then i took a couple shots. next thing i know there is this rancher that rams his 4 wheeler into andy's pickup.... he's saying every expletive imaginable and tries reaching into the pickup while im holding a cocked handgun. i recoil back and say whoa, whoa whoa.... im sorry man.... take it easy. i hand andy my gun so he can de-c ock it(i was a little flustered right then) and he precedes to read me the riot act. said i was on private property and that he was going to turn us in. i look over at andy and tell him to go and we take off. for the record we were not on private property or a county road so nothing illegal there.... but i did shoot at the dog across a fence that was on, apparently his property. so now we hit a hunters check station at molt(read UH OH). got out and of course one of the two fish and game was a complete c o c k sucker. andy told the guy right away that he lost his plug for the shotgun and the guy immediately said he was going to get a citation($525bond)for that. well it took them forever to go through everything so i knew something else was up. i asked the one(cool guy) game warden if it usually takes this long and he said no(UH OH). next thing i know here comes a sheriffs car with lights on. yep the rancher called in. guess what he alleged i did.... pointed my gun at him in a threatening manner. so now im told im possibly going to be under arrest for aggravated assault and that this was a serious charge. OH REALLY... ARE YOU SURE!!!!! so they asked if we would mind giving them our guns and going back to columbus to investigate. now this is where i struggle because i tend to want to get lippy and start stating that i think this whole thing is bs .... but i bit my tongue and we both agreed to it. you should of seen these guys when andy starting pulling out the arsenal. they all stood with their hand on guns ready to go... mind you i am at the back of the truck and andy is pulling all the guns out one at a time. like he is going to start blazing with 4 cops watching him. im sorry but i thought it was a little over the top and if they were that worried why didnt they pull the guns out. by the way we had 3 hand guns, 2 shot guns, and 4 rifles in the pickup. so i get to ride with the drill sargeant from full metal jacket all the way to columbus while andy follows us. we get there(sheriffs station) and they start interrogating andy. during that time the under-sheriff shows up with the statements from the rancher.... the under sheriff and the deputy speak and come to the conclusion(which matched andy's story) that the rancher embellished or to use their nomenclature "the charges were unfounded". we were set free and they gave us our guns back.

ok so im glad i was cleared but im pissed off. we were guilty until proven innocent... had to drive all the way to columbus when they could have drove 3 miles down the road to the ranchers house and got his statement there. as far as im concerned they said that we were not under arrest but that is exactly how they treated us. why doesnt the rancher have to be held accountable for embellishing.? one last thing the deputy said to us was that he was thankful for us being patient and so cooperative...because had we not been cooperative(i will quote him here) "they would have hooked us up... impounded andy's pickup and totally confiscated our guns". for what?? we were innocent and did nothing wrong. what if we didnt coop[erate? we had good reason not too. it just pisses me off that i was crapping my pants all the while i knew i didnt do anything wrong. it seems that people with any kind of authority love to lorde it over you.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 20, 2004
Plainview, MN
this is why I don't like the Man....a few bad apples in the cop shop really wreck it.

Doubt you had full metal jacket though....pretty sure the booking officer I had when I got my DUI was that dude. Hardcore flat top buzz cut and all. Guy had the balls to sit and tell me I was fibbing about my hair color on my DL and to him.....I'm a freaking ginger, always have been. He swore up and down I was a liar and that it was brown.

I got him back though, he gets done and tells me I can start calling someone to pick me up. "I'll dial the number for you, what is it?" I say back to him, "well how about you give me back my cell phone you took and I can get you a number"

He doesn't send me a x-mas card now:mad:
Dec 13, 2004
If I'm law enforcement in that situation I'm not taking ANY chances considering the fact you guys had guns. They don't know who you are or what you're intentions might be. They need to play it safe so they can make it home that night to see their families.

My only suggestion to you is to tell the truth whenever you talk to an investigator because once you tell one lie you need to tell a few more to cover it up.

Good luck


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Belgrade MT
next thing i know there is this rancher that rams his 4 wheeler into andy's pickup....

Ok I'm sorry I drive a nice looking truck so this is were I would draw the line I work to hard for my stuff to get smashed up. Did anything get said about him raming the truck???

I had a deal like this a few years back. Had Farmers word I could shoot gophers on his land was shooting by the fence and this lady (no crap just moved to MT from back east) goes off the wall at us the house was 100yrs to our backs away from us anyways long story but took a wile to get all sorted out. Cop said I could no longer shoot my 22-250 as it was to loud I told him there was no rule about that and I would keep shooting it. It's MT you moved out to a house that is in cow country with tons of gophers and empty land get used to it all she had to do was just ask us to move away and shoot.
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
The embellishing, and getting by with it, is getting out of hand. Heard a case just like that the other day. They sent 4 squad cars for a call, about a biker gang here in Boise. When it was actually just someone parked his motorcycle on the sidewalk. The cops refused to go after the city employee that called in the bogus report.

Someone's going to get killed sending cops to take down dangerous dudes, when it's just a couple hunters. Go back and file a civil case against the guy for damages to the truck. Has nothing to do with the cops.

And, if he came up to you on public land and started threatening you, and if he touched you at all. File assault charges against him. Again, civil, not criminal.

Or just wait a couple years, and get the guy back.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 28, 2005
Rapid City, SD
Here in South Dakota there are laws about harrasment or interfering with the attept to take game legally as well (in the hunting handbook). Not sure if the same in MT. I'd maybe take that report and flip it back on the rancher. He tried to fry you first so why not.


Mar 14, 2007
heh, yeap.... cops generally (generally, not all of them) have an attitude about them that I just can't stand. They have to be the "big guy", etc. Sure they have a job to do and all, but some just take it too far.

Fire/EMT/rescue crews are cool; they're fun to be around. Twisted sense of humor, get kinda hardened to some situations working with life-vs-death daily.

One time I was with two EMTs and a few friends. One EMT was telling this story how he saw a cat get sucked under the wheel of one truck, went around the front tire a few times, got ejected and sucked into the back tire, went around a few times... at the end he's all "It was awesome!!"
Me: :D
Friends: :eek:
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