Highway 130 is closed due to a washout near Ryan Park.
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Prayers for the families -
Wyoming Highway 130 (Snowy Range Road) is closed east of the highway’s junction with WYO 230 near Saratoga, where heavy rain and flash flooding early Tuesday washed out a section of the highway about 25 feet wide resulting in four fatalities.
The Wyoming Highway Patrol reports the fatalities occurred when one vehicle drove into the washout. One emergency vehicle responding to the area to assist in evacuating campgrounds due to the flooding also drove into the washout, but the driver was able to escape unharmed.
The washout occurred when debris carried down by torrential rains clogged the drainage culvert at milepost 55.8, resulting in the water washing away the pavement around the culvert.
Patrol Sgt. Steve Townsend said a plane is flying over the area this morning searching for any additional vehicles affected by the flooding.
The highway closure currently is between mileposts 36 and 68.
The floodwaters will have to recede before highway repairs can begin. WYDOT District Engineer Pat Persson said the U.S. Forest Service has given permission to haul materials from a site nearby and equipment will be staged at the location so repairs can begin as soon as the water recedes sufficiently.
Persson said the highway will be reopened as soon as possible, but it could take until next week for the work to be completed.