Fun day in the Snowys. Lots of riding and some sticks!
My big stick of the day
Stupid tree in my way after digging out.
Fun place to horse around.
My wife rolled it.
Guess who had to get it out.
Crash site. Sorry it was my buddy, but glad it wasn't me. The sled didn't make it. He was done for the day.
He duct taped everything together so it wouldn't flop around, our other buddy carried the pieces, and then he rode 3 miles(from the 3 way above Albany) down the mountain to the lot. He had to stop several times to rest but got it home. I was impressed. I'm not skilled or strong enough to do that. Lucky for him, he's a big fella.
Yeah it was a bad call by us. We've been on it a few times but the base was better. We got bit by temtation. Glad he wasn't hurt. The snow was so deep at the bottom that he started to sink and had to cut his line short. Otherwise he would have been fine.
11 of us are there next week; loved your photos...where is the area where you were "horsing around?"...the photos with the looks really cool. This will be our 3rd year in a row in the snowies and have yet to come across this area.