Simply added 4" to the length of mine and dropped 15 degrees running temperature.
To the ignoramus' that said "Try getting of the trail once in a while", this is not always possible. Seriously I'm a mountain rider just as much as the next guy but where I ride, there's a certain amount a trail that you just have to ride through areas where getting off the trail is illegal. Or the trees are so thick that you it's simply impossible to get off. Don't see a lot of 121s where I ride either...
And what about those spring rides when the snow has settle the day before and frozen overnight. When you hit the trail in the morning, there's not much getting kicked up on your coolers.
Sure you guys might get away with it for awhile but these engines were designed to run with a certain amount of heat soak. Just because your light isn't on doesn't mean that it's not running hotter. I guess there's probably not many out there with a temp gauge. So you're running your engine hotter for the duration of it's life. It will take it's toll after time.
But if your Poo 121 race chassis does technical climbs better and doesn't trench anymore than congrats on your new mod!