I respect the fact that one of Skinz largest dealers and a representative of Skinz took the time to defend and react to these comments, but im still confused. I dont understand at what point you go from saying a product will be delivered in September to nearly three months later. Are you trying to say that WPS or other dealers who ordered the product for a consumer never actually ordered it from skinz? I agree the product is top notch, and works well, and too like the idea of a US made product. But something seems weird about these kinda delays. It is made out to be that 15 people huddle in a group and make bags, then the next day make boards, then the next covers. And once a full cycle is made through each station they get back to boards again and release another twenty sets. I realize that innovation and a full product line is the goal at skinz but why, if you cant afford more help or produce things on time, keep expanding? I would venture to guess because of this one thread and a couple others on here well over 20 plus orders have not been made and have gone to competitors for the simple fact people want something in there hand, not to wonder when it will be in the mailbox. 20 sets of boards sure goes alot further than covers, bags, and bumpers as to making money dont they? I dont see any posts about not being able to get handlebar bags or covers or such. I guess im more or less looking at just a straight answer as to why the months delay. No beating around the bush with reasons that cant be discussed on here, or trying to hide the point by explaining you are expanding, or blaming orders not being distributed because orders were not placed.....there must be a reason. Once again i say that the products are top notch, but if you cant get them or use them for half the season, who cares how top notch they are.