A vertical steering post also on the Pro not one that angles over the top fo the motor. I loved my REV but liked my IQ and my Pro a lot more. I do agree there is some kind of pyramid design but the pyramid and the bulk head aren't even close to what ski-doo has. Also, the fact that my feet can bee in the foot weels and still be ahead of me when seated and not under me makes a difference as well.
There is still no foot well on a poo. Just a toe catcher. The handle bars are forward of the socalled footwell, causing a leaning forward stance. Ive ridden a couple and not impressed. Its glued together. Making repairs is a thing of the past. Its totaled after a tree stressing session, roll over, ect. They all make good machines. Its personal preference. If people would learn how to make susp changes to there sled to make it how they like it. Of course a trail set up isnt going to act like its set up for the trees or climbing. Its a give and take situation.