Use the search function and look at other brands that have had problems with turbo kits ALL companies have had issues big or small. That is a nice quote from OVS but considering the efi turbo market for 2 strokes has only been around the past 5 years doesn't mean s*** that they have been in business selling sleds for 30 years. Look at the 4 stroke market boondocker has been around one of the longest and you don't see hardly any yammis running 4 strokes anymore you see companies that have entered the market later.
And you can knock me all you want but I am happy with my kit and Justin has been willing to replace my box but I personally have opted to go to Boost it. Not because my sled didn't ran good, because it ran like a raped ape. But I wanted more tuneability on the hill, instead of 5 settings on the dobeck I'll have 30+ fuel settings I can tune in for MY liking.
If there were these companies that have been around with no issues why did you buy a Silber kit to begin with??? Especially on a dragon Justin was just in the market then but to bash someone for YOUR choice of kit is a little sad.
And if you blame people wanting to change the controller box you do realize that the dobeck box is on: OVS, HM, Turbo Performance (unless you opt for boost it or vipec). Its was also used by Impulse prior to standalone, used by Alpine, etc. And as for clutching Justin's is great and was spot on for me. Some guys just like different feel for their clutches which is why they make adjustable weights, different springs, etc.