Th brainwashing appears to be working.
Its doing well for a lot of reasons.
Look at inflation adjust data for the following 2 things.
Median income and median home value.
This is just one of the 1000's of things that are shifting further and further apart every year. Income innequality in our nation is NOT a joke. There is SO much data to point this out. On average, americans are working longer, and there dollar isn't going as far as it did in years past.
So now a generation (boomers and a little younger) are telling the youth they need to just suck it up and work harder... "back in my day....." when the reality is, something else is at play here. They are working harder, and there money isn't getting them anywhere.
So the brain washing is not just a system saying socialism is good. What you are seeing people realize is that the corporate greed and concentration of wealth in america is continuing to gut the middle and lower class day by day. Its really not surprising the reaction is to want to socialize some of these things, or really do anything to stop what is happening as the current path is not heading in a positive direction.