Mafesto's got it right. I won't purposely ride in Wilderness. And no, not all of us know where the boundaries are. Try to find an accurate map. Most of the lines around here haven't been surveyed. Heck, the cops don't even know half the time, some do, the transitory ones don't.
When wilderness becomes the norm, and the snowmobile community is disenfranchised from the National Forest, then as citizens following our time honored traditions of this country, we have the right to peacefully demonstrate. And, we should. It used to be illegal for black people to ride in the front of the bus, in hind sight, it was a stupid law. The law books are full of stupid laws.
I ask you, does today's wilderness represent what wilderness was intended to be. If you could go back and ask old Senator Frank Church, if wilderness should be everywhere (109 million acres and counting) and should be so strict and overbearing, what do you think he'd say? Wilderness is an idealistic, utopian, purely transcendental creation. It exists completely in the mind, there's actually no such thing. Pollution doesn't just cease to exist at it's boarders. Planes don't route around it. Fire does not magically extinguish upon the boundary. Animals are not instinctively drawn to it, because of it's "special qualities". No one can tell you what it's even good for, without plagiarizing Muir. In limited quantity, it serves a purpose to a small percentage of the citizenry. But, when the only answer to any forest management question is, make it wilderness. Then you have to ask yourself if this is coming from the same idiots that ran the economy into the ground.
If the fracking greenies really want to protect the forest, why would it not be better to create classifications of forest purely for recreationalist? Because, greenies don't share with anyone. We are not the problem, they are. They are selfish, and spiteful. They hate us only because they refuse to understand us, and refuse to be even the slightest inconvenienced by those not like themselves.
A thousand years after humans disappear, you won't be able to tell the diffence between wilderness, and well managed recreational forest. The whole exercise is a shame. I got some carbon credits to sell you, if you feel guilty.
When wilderness becomes the norm, and the snowmobile community is disenfranchised from the National Forest, then as citizens following our time honored traditions of this country, we have the right to peacefully demonstrate. And, we should. It used to be illegal for black people to ride in the front of the bus, in hind sight, it was a stupid law. The law books are full of stupid laws.
I ask you, does today's wilderness represent what wilderness was intended to be. If you could go back and ask old Senator Frank Church, if wilderness should be everywhere (109 million acres and counting) and should be so strict and overbearing, what do you think he'd say? Wilderness is an idealistic, utopian, purely transcendental creation. It exists completely in the mind, there's actually no such thing. Pollution doesn't just cease to exist at it's boarders. Planes don't route around it. Fire does not magically extinguish upon the boundary. Animals are not instinctively drawn to it, because of it's "special qualities". No one can tell you what it's even good for, without plagiarizing Muir. In limited quantity, it serves a purpose to a small percentage of the citizenry. But, when the only answer to any forest management question is, make it wilderness. Then you have to ask yourself if this is coming from the same idiots that ran the economy into the ground.
If the fracking greenies really want to protect the forest, why would it not be better to create classifications of forest purely for recreationalist? Because, greenies don't share with anyone. We are not the problem, they are. They are selfish, and spiteful. They hate us only because they refuse to understand us, and refuse to be even the slightest inconvenienced by those not like themselves.
A thousand years after humans disappear, you won't be able to tell the diffence between wilderness, and well managed recreational forest. The whole exercise is a shame. I got some carbon credits to sell you, if you feel guilty.