First of all, I would like to thank the Veterans for their service. It doesn't need to be Nov 11, to appreciate my freedoms. I've tried to vocalize my gratitude more frequently as well.
I'm 35, and for the last couple years, I have developed a strong regret that I did not serve in our military. Today, I serve our country here, at home, as a fireman, and I certainly feel good about that. But, it's different, and I still wish I had served in the military.
At work, I go to many homes of low-income or no-income folks. To many, 9-1-1 is 'primary health care'. We go to car wrecks, with folks with no license (or insurance) won't speak English (don't know for sure if they can), but they are driving! All they get is a ticket. If they won't speak English, and won't produce proof of citizenship, they should get deported. NOW!
My FIL served in the military for 15 years, until a RIF booted him out. They are a very right-winged conservative family, and yet they have no health insurance, they rely on DSHS. I don't get it.
Private ambulance companies are in business to make a profit. I understand that. So are a LOT of hospitals. You know why our bills are so high? Because they don't collect on 1/2 to 2/3 of the bills they send. So the rest of us pick up the tab.
Service for citizenship is a great concept. But I don't know if it would work. If we started some sort of federal work group, where you worked for a period of time (say... 2-5 years or so) to gain full citizenship, after demonstrating working knowledge of the language of the land (English) I kinda like that idea. How would the labor unions like that? They'd hate it! They would either try to unionize this 'federal work group', and when/if that was blocked, they'd try to dismantle it, 'cuz it's taking away American jobs'. Unions have their place, but they have their problems as well. As a whole, I don't like them. Just like Gov't, they have gotten too big. The problem is, that our younger generations don't have a work ethic. I look around at some of my slack-o peers, and I can't believe they tie their shoes in the morning! And I'm 35! And THEY have KIDS!
Call me old fashioned, but I don't believe jobs are the answer. I really believe business ownership is. Folks didn't found America for a 'job', they wanted to control their own destiny, the only way to do that is to be your own boss. Jobs have their place, and we need people that want to do these jobs. But our country is suffering from a serious lack of ambition.
As a society, we have dropped the ball with educating our youth. Part of the reason they don't care, is they don't understand. We've stopped teaching our history in our schools. That 8th grade Abominable Snowman had to pass wasn't there when I was in school. My wife's sisters (in 6-11 grades) don't have to take (much less pass) one. It's sad.
Ok, my scattered thoughts have run out for the evening. I have to get up early to WORK. So, it's off to bed.
Thanks again to those who have served, continue to serve, and will serve. Please know that after all my ranting, I am proud to be an American, and I am grateful to all those who put themselves in harms way for me. Armed forces, CG, police and fire, thanks.