tester has countered. the saws email was correct but today we need to battle again. please call these people and let them know we don't want any more wilderness.
this is from an email i got today:
Tester is try to hot line his bill(S1470 Forest Jobs and Recreation Act) it has been recomended that we call the following senators and voice our concern. I talked to both offices this morning.
We need to call Senator Coburn at 202 224 5754, Senator Murkowski is at 202 224 6665
S1470 has close to 677,000 acres of new Wilderness( many thousands of acres not even recommended for wilderness in the Forest Plan) and approx 300,000 acres of companion designations
Close to 1,000,000 acres of Wilderness and Companion designations so we can log 100,000 acres over a 15 year period.