So I have finally had it with Globalstar, after hearing how the service is going to improve for the last year now and it hasn't I phoned them up to cancel my service. They tried to sell me spot at 40.00 bucks off which for a lot of people would be good enough but I need something more than that. So instead of closing my account they have dropped all fees and if I use the phone it is 49 cent/min. I you are not happy with their service phone them and cancel your account and they will make you that offer.
THAT was exactly what I was hoping to find out - if someone had gotten them to make a deal for whatever reason? SUPER - the search feature is a good deal! LOL!
I have had mine since fall of 2000 and for yrs it werked great, but then a few yrs ago it started to git spotty, and for two yrs - if you couldn't git signal - if you tried aggin in 2 hrs you would git full bars! For most applications I could live with this - under the assumption that they were puting up new sats the next spring....
This last season I went one day aboot 12 hrs before we got signal! Good grief!
I use the thing so little that I actually forget how bad it sucks untill I go to use it the next time... I needed a cell phone yesterdy and of three in the familly - I couldn't have one for a cpl hrs.
So I go scrounge through the sleds 'til I find the SAT phone (that should have been in the glovebox of the truck in the first place) and try to git signal. Nadda. Wifey says to swing by my G-mas and grab hers on the way. (She's on our plan anyway eh?) By the tyme I got near her place I started to git a bit of signal, so I drove on past. I did git it to werk when I needed it to, thank GOD.
I tried the cell service that is on it too. I thought that I could just use a Credit Card, but the recording on the other end kept saying I had to buy this "minutes card and PIN number" thingy. I hung back up. I guess that's an emergency only thing too eh?
So I have been paying big $ for poor service for FAR too long! One of these days I am gunna need it - and it won't be there! We are s'posed to call in each night when we head off into the bush, but there are nights that we just kant. And I am sure that on the other end of the call that doesn't come in is worse knowing that it is sposed to be there - rather than back in the day when we didn't have it. Although she is now on board the fact that it sucks these days!
Like I said - the 2 hr thing was livable if it was git'n fixed the next summer, but next summer came and went and this season was WAY worse than ever!
I have used mine for dooing HOT quotes on parts from the bush and landing the work that I may have not been able to git just doo to the tyme thing, so I really want more than the SPOT thingy, although that sounds like a good bang/buck! (If it werks!) Is that basically the same thing as the Billy Big Rigs use? (It's all Qualcom eh?)
So what's it cost to git into Iridium?
Is there anyone that has any inside info as to why our sats didn't git replaced as they said they were gunna? (I have been told that "The Gov is using them for the war", but I think that is likely just BS.... ???
Someone had posted "Untill 2009" earlier in this thread. So that means yet another winter... Is there any reason that we should believe that they will git better? I mean we have already went through the 2nd winter and now we are looking at a 3rd? Is there really light at the end of the tunnel - or is that a freight train? Should we suck it up and tough it out? Or bail?
Essentially I am lookin fer someone with a snow globe that aint frosted over to forcast the future if someone is "in the know" aboot this....
BTW - it was also posted that SATs were only good to the 54th. ??? When I bought mine I was told that it should werk up to Victoria Island (I think the name is right?) I just might hafta wait a cpl hrs for a good signal is all... I know a fella that has ridden up to Resolute Bay ... Maybe I'll ask him what he used there and how it werked. (Not that I intend to ride quite that far north - I'm just plannin on Atawapiskat or Churchill.)