Took my sled to the Dealer last week, over the past few rides it has developed
a bog when trying to rip the throttle to spin the track in low snow conditions, notice it would go from 6000 rpm to about 7200 and have a dead bog, it all so started sounding like it was running rich on the bottom. Dealer checked and said it threw a code that indicated a stuck throttle, said it was a bad TPS, they installed a new one but the sled still will not run right, the best way to describe it is as an intermittent problem, will act real dogie and has a funny and ruff burble sound on the bottom and will only reach about 8050 rpm at best, and will sometimes for short periods run good and smooth. have all ready checked the clutches, plugs, and has a new fuel filter this year, and I only run non ethanol fuel. Taking it back to the dealer on Tue, Any Ideas what me be wrong ?
a bog when trying to rip the throttle to spin the track in low snow conditions, notice it would go from 6000 rpm to about 7200 and have a dead bog, it all so started sounding like it was running rich on the bottom. Dealer checked and said it threw a code that indicated a stuck throttle, said it was a bad TPS, they installed a new one but the sled still will not run right, the best way to describe it is as an intermittent problem, will act real dogie and has a funny and ruff burble sound on the bottom and will only reach about 8050 rpm at best, and will sometimes for short periods run good and smooth. have all ready checked the clutches, plugs, and has a new fuel filter this year, and I only run non ethanol fuel. Taking it back to the dealer on Tue, Any Ideas what me be wrong ?