well since we aren't in the turbo section, no i wasn't referring to 250+hp sleds. sorry. but as far as stock sleds, particularly 07 and newer polaris mountain sleds ranging from 144 to 163, i stand my my statement combo drivers are completely unnecessary. does that mean there are situations that might show otherwise? no, it does not. and i think 99% of those reading the thread understood that i as referring to 99+% of situations. and since we are getting into the details of it, "proper tension" can obviously be subjective. for ME, i find that 3/4 of an inch of sag at 16 inches from the rear axle with a 10 lbs weight hung from the track works great and i haven't had any ratcheting issues in the last four years. and yes, we run in some very wet, heavy snow at times. in fact it is more often those conditions we find ourselves in rather than dry, blower days. i've never had an issue with feeling like the brakes were on when i left off the gas either. so in conclusion, i guess my statement was slightly too broad. hopefully i clarified any misunderstandings...