I would vote for T-Paw, he didn't do to bad by me in MN....not the best but not bad at all.
I used to think i wanted to run for office....now I realize I'm un-electable. I ride dirt bike, sled, hunt, drink, believe that maybe we shouldn't just drill here, use re-usable gracery bags, firm believer in the right to bear arms (mind you I don't own any), don't believe in the death penalty and am very sympathetic to the homeless, beggars, drug addicts, single moms in the ghetto, etc. Believe tradional light bulbs and poor fuel efficency is stupid and anything we can do to help it is good.
It seems my views would cancel out either party voting for me....so until our ways change I'm sticking to non-running.
ignore the typos, I'm drinking my breakfast/dinner.