OK - I went and breezed through quickly and actually seen some posts by a few folks that I know.
Brandy & Greg I have met and rode with.
A handfull of others are from the "old days" too. I assume triple is old skewl - but his join date tells a diff story? Snowwizard, Winterbrew.... Some of the others I just aint sure aboot???
I see lotsa newer join dates just this last yr. I suppose many of the old crew got sorta burned out as I did and found something new that interested them instead? Maybe they just got a bloody job!
I started life as Chad Oxender back in late '66, but NOT the Chad Oxender from Idaho. (He's gotta be kin tho b/c there aint many of us to begin with!)
If you are a Chad and are older than 12/66 - you let me know eh? B/c I aint never met one older than me.You should se some of the looks I git when I ask some guys too. LOL!
Been riding ever since my dad came home with a new '75 Deere 800 (440 fan) Had my own 175cc Polaris new in '76
The heavy snows of the 70's and early 80's all dried up around here by 1984 and for the most part my sled (I had a '75 Deere 800 by then - but not my dads old one.) went into storage - only to come out occasionally for many yrs. (It hasn't snowed here like it used to since, although we did have fair amount of cover this last yr I think? I don't ride here - EVER!)
My paperwerk says that I am a certified State Farmer dated in late April of '85 - on a date that we all shoulda been planting corn.
Me and my chumm started DJ'ing parties and such pretty serious like by 1988 I'd say... Maybe '87
Have been a self employed machine shop owner since 1989. Started as tool and die and somehow ended up in production.
Miraculously we are somehow still in business in spite of the last 7-1/2 yrs of economic war with China. (Which we seem to be loosing BTW.)
Married in '90.
Kid in '91 - imagine that!
Another kid in '93
I gave up the DJing by '93 as I was too busy in the shop.
My chumm proposed we both get back into sledding in '94 as we started going to the UP for a cpl yrs. (Closest descent snow) but that got old (Too many and TOO LOUD (Kittys) of sleds) and we then started riding in N Ontario. (They have TOPOGRAPHY!)
Sleds got bigger & longer and then so did the miles on the truck as I make it west on average of once a yr.
My core group includes me and my chumm still, my boy is now 17 and has been riding with us for quite some time, and a fella from a ways off that likes to ride like we doo. We all ride '02's and most are 800's. We're all tightwads - what can I say?
Then there is my "go west" chumm from here on SW that I never know what on Earth he'll be riding next month!LOL!
Oh - and BTW - for all you Johnny-Come-Latelys, I am the official SW axe murderer. So keep your distance BOY! And Festus is my hero.
Pic here
aren't we the official SW lurker from hell LOL
Hey OX good to to see you bud !!! all the way from The Yukon ..cmon

speakin o which ..where's Fabster , Rockstar,Sand2Snow,ChevySeller, and some of my other creepy friends
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