Put a rk tek drop in kit in my 11 800 pro 155 this weekend. Before we started we did a compression test and both mag and pto were 120. We put the kit in and drained all the polaris synthetic oil out and put legend mineral oil in and drained the cooling system because it has 1660 miles on her so we put fresh in. I'm running the 14.1 domes on my stock sled but were in Minnesota(1000ft) so we put 100 octane in and mixed 3 gallons 50:1 and after that I will mix 100:1. When we got it running we brapped around taking it easy on her and put about 5 miles on and checked plugs and they looked good and the compression was 145 on both mag and pro side. So far so good I'm gonna take it easy for 100 miles and then let er rip does this sound about right? Btw I'll be riding 7000+ out west. Thanks