RIP Caleb: Ride In Paradise
Horrible loss for the whole community, and wish the best for family friends and fans. But ya know what pisses me off? How Caleb's loss is in the big media, ABC, Fox, ect. They've never given two ****s about extreme sports before, but as soon as something bad happens, like this, it's huge exposure and publicity. And the clueless people commenting on this news on the sites. Check out this comment:
hamoncan • 11 hours ago −
Some of their events actually look like sports, but others like this one just look kind of like extremely stupid things rednecks do on snowmobiles -- really, what the point of flipping yourself around on a big heavy machine -- snowmobiles were never meant to be flipped and while the rider pulls dumb poses -- there's no reasonable way to prevent a terrible injury if there's a crash
Man clueless people piss me off!!